Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hey everyone!

Feel free to put up some possible topics for our 3rd Rambling on Reality.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't say anything because most of what I have is philosophy 101 kind of stuff.

    1) What's the difference between perception and what's real?

    2) Everybody has their own model of reality so we may be examining the same real thing(s) but we perceive differently, our attention wanders to different facets and our brains fill in the gaps.

    3) Is the real actually different from perception? Does the real exist without being perceived? Is reality thought only?

    4) Almost everything we know about reality is stored memory. How true is memory? If our senses are already subject to failure how much more faulty is the recollection of senses?

    5) Science is a methodology designed to survey the real using data, not opinion and certainly not raw perception. Data is cataloged to compensate for memory problems. How well does science sidestep human shortcomings in analyzing the real?

    6) Our inner-space, soul, presence, being; how real is the self? How real is God?
